Phillips County Highpoint Trip Report

"County Line Rise" (4,120 ft)

Date: December 18, 2004
Author: Kevin Baker

We made the short jaunt down to the Phillips HP from the Logan HP, which is 6.7 miles south of the US6/CR1 junction on the Logan-Phillips line. We bagged the published HP, then sought out the ten 4,110 foot contours that are within about a 4 mile radius of the hp. Here are notes on each. See the map links on for the areas to reference these.

#1, 4, & 5 in Section 19: #5 is right on the road, area 1 is a distinct mound about 0.35 mile southeast of area 5, among cultivated fields. Area 4 is on the southeast corner of CR1 and CR20. There are some abandoned farm implements on this contour.

#2 and #3 in Sections 18 & 19: CR20 splits these areas, about 1/2 mile east of CR1. Area 3 is a few yards south of the road. Area 2 appears to be along a fence junction 1/4 mile north of the road.

#6 in Section 30: This area is in the same section as the hp to the northeast. Don't remember much about this one.

#8 is on the southeast corner of section 6, along a fence row.

#9 was hard to find. A windmill is in the general vicinity. We followed a fence line on the north side of this windmill for about 1/2 mile. Hard to tell where this tiny contour is exactly.

#10 and #11 in Sect 18: These are the 2 southernmost points. The road splits #11, and #10 is a long, narrow contour in the middle of the section.

We completed all of these in two hours, satisfied that if the Phillips hp ever changes, we have them all.