Gadsden County Highpoint Trip Report

Date: April 14, 2004
Author: Denis Dean

I followed Fred Lobdell's excellent directions to the 320+ foot contour near the railroad. I would add that the highpoint is on the north side of the tracks as Fred has stated and that it is behind a small hunting shack near a concrete post.

As for the 310+ foot area it seems to have changed owners since Fred's trip. The highpoint area is now owned by Florida A&M University and is used as a "Research and Extension Center". I pulled into the driveway and went inside the main building. The gentleman I spoke to was very skeptical of me and wanted to see my ID (pretty paranoid for a state-run farming facility). He eventually told me to help myself to the property. This area is pretty flat and determining the actual highpoint is tricky. I walked around in some fenced fields that had goats running all around them. It seems the 310-foot contour is right in the middle of these goat fields. Be advised that access could be difficult on the weekends, at night, or during summer as this is basically a school.