Lafayette County Highpoint Trip Report

Date: January 2, 2007
Author: Denis Dean

This is an update to Bill Jacobs's 2004 report. Access to areas 1 and 3 remain unchanged although there were numerous postings on the way to Area One.

I arrived at Nathan Lemts’s house to conquer Area Two. I was greeted by an elderly Mrs. Lemts who remembered Bill's visit nearly three years ago; her husband Nathan has passed away. Mrs. Lemts allowed me to access the highpoint through her fenced pasture. From her house, I crested a hill then descended to a double fence line. I crossed the fences into a wooded area and ascended a hill to the highpoint. When I returned to the house, I asked Ms. Lemts if her property extended past the fences and into the woods. She said that it did not. The property containing Area Two is actually owned by W.R. Williams and is fenced and posted. Mrs. Lemts said that W.R. Williams could be reached at his business "Multiple Mile Tires" which I saw on the south side of US 27 between Mayo and W.R. Williams Road. Since I had already attained the highpoint I did not attempt to contact W.R. Williams.