Tift County Highpoint Trip Report

seven areas

Date: February 19, 2005
Author: Bill Jacobs

Tift has seven areas: five bordering Interstate 75 at Exit 66 and two a few miles to the east. This county was completed in the company of the Paul Bunyan of Georgia county highpointing, Kevin Williamson.

Take Interstate 75 Exit 66 to the east and immediately find a place to park. One area is about 100 feet to the north. Highest elevation is near the edge of the tree line overlooking the Interstate. A second area is on the south side of the road in an open field used for parking construction vehicles. The highest point appeared to be back along a fence behind a small commercial establishment.

For the next two areas, turn south on the service road that runs parallel to the Interstate. At 0.2 and 0.3 mile are two small knolls on the left.

The fifth area is on the western side of the Interstate, abeam the last area described above. It is probably the highest in elevation of the five areas. We attempted access by parking along the Interstate and climbing the abutment but ran into a double fence that was too much trouble to cross. The contour is in the middle of a field used for cattle grazing and belongs to the University of Georgia Research Laboratories. We then decided to make an attempt from the western side and went over to US 41 where we found a lady parked along the side of the road watering her dog. We asked if she wouldn't mind if we made a quick dash into the nearby fields. She had no objections. We found a convenient place to park and were able to make it across several fields, only having to jump one gate, all the while keeping some distance from curious bovines chewing their cuds.

For area six, continue north on US 41 to the town of Chula. Turn left for a short distance (Chula Whiddon?) and turn right onto a road variously known as J.R. Wynn Road, CR 35, and Old US 41 - on the topo. Immediately after the road makes a bending right turn to the north, turn left onto a side road, crossing some railroad tracks. The contour is to the right, out in a pasture behind a home and farm buildings. Unfortunately, the entire contour is behind a hot electrical fence. We were able to convince some farm hands to deactivate the fence and let us wander into the field. As we exited, the uncle of the owner showed up and was quite friendly. The property owners were not home but from all appearances they would probably be receptive to future highpointers.

For area seven, go north on JR Winn Road/CR 35, to the junction with US 41. Then continue another 0.6 mile to the north. We parked on a dirt road a little to the south of the area and on the right side of the field. From there we crossed into a pasture and hiked up to the contour which is bisected by a fence.

Whew, a seven-area virgin has fallen. This is one case that, when a virgin becomes unchaste, it's a good thing.