Adam Helman Inventory

A number of Adam Helman's possessions are still available for anyone who would like to own a piece of his memory. If you would like anything pictured or listed below, contact Edward Earl or Mark Adrian.

Click any image below for a full-size version.




Solar eclipse, Bolivia
Heladeria Coromoto, the ice cream shop in Merida Venezuela with hundreds of flavors

Math & physical science:

Statistics - Hays
Calculus, one and several variables - Salas & Hille
Fuzzy & Neural approaches in engineering - Tsoukalas & Uhrig
Bessel Functions for Engineers - McLahlan
Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics - Hill
Statistical Mechanics - McQuarrie
Advanced Engineering Mathematics - Wylie
Advanced Mathematics for Engineers - Kaplan
Classical Electrodynamics - Jackson
Organic Chemistry - Kemp & Vellaccio
Principles of Isotope Geology - Faure
Wavelet Transforms - Rao & Bopardikar
Mechanics - Symon
Basic Radar Design Principles, Signal processing and the Environment - Nathanson
The chemistry of our Environment - Horne
Physical Methods in Chemistry - Drago
Quantum Chemistry - Levine
Principles of Instrumental Analysis - Skoog & West
Analytical Chemistry of Platinum Metals
Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences - Bevington
Textbook on Spherical Astronomy - Smart
Physics and Chemistry of the Upper Atmosphere - Shoemaker, Garland, Steinfeld
Physics and Chemistry of the Upper Atmosphere - Rees
Introduction to Geochemistry - Krauskopf
and a few more similar titles

About 12 text books on inorganic & organic chemistry and spectroscopy

Biological science:

Phytochemistry - Miller
Sociobiology - Wilson


The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics - Goodman & Gilman
Microbiology - Davis, Dulbecco, Eisen, Ginsberg
Pathological Basis of Disease - Robbins & Coltran
Principles of Internal Medicine - Isselbacher, Adams, Braunwald, Petersdorf, Wilson
Principles of Biochemistry - White, Handler, Smith, Hill, Lehman
The Human Brain - Nolte
Grant's Atlas of Anatomy - Anderson

Economics & Finance:

Fundamental Analysis - Ritchie
Stocks for the Long Run - Seigel
Handbook of Financial Analysis, Forecasting, & Modeling - Shim & Siegel
How to plan for a Secure Retirement - Zuckerman, Lieberman, Dickman


The Millennial Project, Colonizing the Galaxy in 8 Easy Steps - Savage
The Scientist as Editor - O'Connor
From Crossbow to H-Bomb - Brodie


Applied XML - Ceponkus & Hoodboy
Web Programming Unleashed - Breedlove et al


Warriner's English Grammar and Composition
Newly Revised Univ of Chicago English-Spanish Dictionary
Teach Yourself French
Growth and Structure of the English Language - Jesperson
Punctuation Plain & Simple - Alward & Alward

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