Jefferson County High Point Trip Report

on Kelly Mountain (6,660+ ft)

Date: August 29, 2001
Author: Bob Martin

We followed a different route than that described by Ken Jones for his trip of July 8, 2001.

We parked at the large ski area parking lot near the end of the pavement and just west of the Jefferson-Madison county line. We walked SW to the narrow road that leads south up the canyon. Construction equipment at a building at the mouth of the canyon prevented driving the road when we were there. About a mile south, at the 6,500-foot level, there is a junction with a side road turning sharply left. Near this junction we found an overgrown trail leading SW through the forest. This trail brought us out to the NW-SE jeep trail along the top of the ridge.

The trail put us near the two hp areas with 6660-foot contours on the topo. We spent considerable time locating the hp. We concluded that it is the refrigerator-sized rock in the extreme SW corner of the southeastern contour. We took numerous sightings from this rock to various other places. We found that the high point of the northwestern contour appeared to be higher than the 6,664-foot point. The hp rock checked out higher than the hp of the NW contour and higher than anything else in the SE contour.