Johnson County High Point Trip Report

Date: February 24, 2002
Author: Tim Worth

These two points are in the northwest corner of the county, right off of I-57. Take I-57 south from Marion, pass the I-24 interchange and exit at the next interchange, Goreville Road. There is currently bridge construction going on here. Head west from the exit past the Citgo Gas station for less than 1/4 mile to a driveway (actually, two driveways) on your left (south) which goes up a hill to the HPs. The first HP is a tiny thing which I could barely notice from the topo (it's between the road and the east-west driveway), it is definitely lower than the more noticeable second area on the north- driveway. There are 3 houses on the top, the actual HP area seemed to be at a small circle drive to the east of the A-frame building.

This county can easily be combined with Williamson county, whose HPs are about 6 miles to the north.

Topo chart