Adams County High Point Trip Report

Date: May 16, 2001
Author: Bob Schwab

From Bryant, drive east on Indiana 67 to the Ohio-Indiana state line. Turn left (north) and proceed along the state line (700E Road) for a little less than 3 miles to an intersection with 1100S Road. Turn left and go west for 1.5 miles, passing St. Mary's Church, to a house and barns (5623 E 1100 S Road) on the right side of the road that appear to be on high ground. This is Gary Muhlenkamp's farm and the highest area appears to be near his house. If you happen to be visiting at noon, you will be delighted by the bells that chime at the nearby church.

Continue west for another 0.4 mile to Rod Bullenbacker's farm on the left (5302 E 1100 S Road). Ask for permission to enter his field to visit the second area, which is about 0.25 mile southwest from his barn. Try to time your visit so you won't trample his crops. Perhaps the best time to visit would be either before the fields are planted or after the crops are harvested.