Porter County High Point Trip Report

areas in sections 13/22/27/30/31-36N-5W (870+ ft)

Date: October 25, 2000
Author: Michael Schwartz

area in section 13

From exit 39 on the Indiana Turnpike, go south 1.2 miles on US 421 to a right (west) on CR 200S. Go left (south) at South County Line Road at 3.0 miles. High ground is behind a private home, just south of a radio tower.

4 areas in sections 22/27

Use the junction of US 6 and CR 400E at Beverly Hill as a reference point. For the two SE points: Just east of the junction is Andersons Orchards and Winery. Get permission at the retail store to hike the orchard. The eastern point is easily found by working uphill through the orchard. The western point is reached by an east-west dirt road all the way through the orchard and vineyards, almost to the private homes to the west.

For the NE point: Directly across US 6 from Andersons driveway is the entrance road to the Jackson Township Elementary School. Park in lot and walk to high ground, adjacent to the lot on probably disturbed ground.

For the NW point: Go just north of the power lines on CR 400E. High ground is along the driveway of house #814, entered between two large stone posts.

2 small areas in sections 30/31-36N-5W (870+ ft)

From the junction of CR 600N and North Calumet Avenue (0.3 miles w. of IN 49), go north 0.6 miles on Calumet to a square concrete AT&T microwave tower, alongside the road, on the southern point. For the northern point, continue north on Calumet to 1.6 miles. Turn left into access road to another radio tower, next to a cemetery. The topo shows high ground south of the tower, but north of the power lines. I felt the highest ground was in the cemetery, and after bushwhacking through the evergreen plantation between the tower and the power lines, had not changed my mind.