Miami County High Point Trip Report

Date: November 15, 2002
Authors: Dave Covill and Don Holmes

This is a fairly easy one, and right next to Cass MO, pretty much a two-fer.

From the north, drive south on old 69 in KS to where Louisburg Lake is, then go 1 mile further and go east on gravel past Grove School, 2 cemeteries, and come to 3449 West 295th, owned by "Mary".

Two women drove by us 4 times before finally stopping and asking us what we were doing standing at the largest area by an old tower. They lived just to the northeast of the house we were at, where no one was home. This area is afar higher than the 2 to the northwest, and they can be ignored.

It is not possible to see #4, the other large contour, very well, although we drove to the BM there, not listed on the map by name, called "Windisch - 1934". From here, elevation 1,155 feet, it appears to be higher than by the 1st house. You get to #4 by driving south 0.3 mile on the north-south road there.

The 3 areas to the southeast are far lower, and can be ignored. Go to the 2 large areas. From here go south 0.6 mile, then east 0.5 mile, then north 0.3 mile to the Cass MO HP.