Seward County High Point Trip Report

Date: June 7, 1999
Author: Andy Martin

This is not part of the lane ["Martin's Lane" is the coast-to-coast string of county highpoints conquered by Andy Martin] proper, but gloms KS on to it. The 2-area HP is near the center of section 18. An oil well here was being serviced when I arrived. I got the car about 1/2 way down a new dirt road that leads to the well, then walked over to the service truck.

The driver did not have any problem with my being there, and I left him the wrong list - of OK HPs instead of KS. The HP knoll is not being farmed. I visited both areas, and left the register on a fencepost by the west area. It is perhaps 6 to 12 inches lower than the eastern one, per sight level.