Letcher County High Point Trip Report

Date: March 16, 2002
Author: Ken Oeser

From Highway 932 just west of Flat Gap on the KY/VA state line, turn south onto KY3405. After 1.5 miles is an open blue gate on the gravel road. Park 0.2 mile later at about elevation 2550, where a poor gravel road leaves the main road on the left.

Hike down this gravel road to cross the creek, then follow a faint logging/mining road north along the west side of the creek. After 1/4 mile, this will hit a good dirt mining road. Cross this road and head northwest up the hill. Another faint logging road can be followed or will be crossed on the way up. By heading northwest to the top of the ridge, you will emerge at or near the highpoint contour. I followed a gentle mining road northeast, hoping it would lead to the top of the ridge, but it didn't, so I climbed up a saddle just east of BM JWP 40 contour, and followed the good dirt road along the above-ground pipeline to the BM area, then down to a saddle and back up to the highpoint contour. I agree with Mike Schwartz that the highest point is a few yards south of the road crest. Hike back down the same way.

It is steep, but straightforward, and in winter the mining road and main road are visible from far above. My hike was 2 miles round trip, and took 1.5 hours, but would have been shorter and a little quicker if I had headed northwest, straight up the mountain.