Hampshire County Highpoint Trip Report

West Mtn

Date: July 26, 2008
Author: Scott Cockrell

Following previous directions, I parked across from the beach in Plainville and followed a direct "South" compass course into the woods until I hit the ridge, which seemed to go up somewhat towards the southeast. I followed the ridge up to a flat area then resumed the direct "South" route until I hit another upward slope. I found a roughly circular area that seemed to be higher than everything else, maybe 30 yards in diameter or so. I was rather disheartened to find no markers, after finding none on Crum Hill, but then I started looking among the scattered rocks to find the really highest rock and found one copper marker -– then another one almost immediately!

I followed a direct "North" compass course back -- I came back a couple of hundred yards west of where I started.

This suggests that it is better to start from the more westerly little parking area of the town beach rather than from the more easterly one where I started. I definitely tended towards the southeast on the way up to follow the ridge upward.