Washington County High Point Trip Report

Quirauk Mountain (2140+ ft)

Date: March 13, 2000
Author: Michael Schwartz

On Penn Mar Road (off PA 16) look for entrance sign for Penn Mar County Park, just south of state line. Take Penn Mar High Rock Road 3.0 miles to summit. Highest ground is outside the U.S. Government fence.

IMPORTANT WARNING: At 1.8 miles, the road is signed as U.S. Government property, with numerous keep out warnings. Some highpointers have had uneventful visits and have been ignored by the military police, BUT others have run into trouble. Apparently, the military police notify the county police, who will cite trespassers. Authorities state that even visits to the civilian facilities on the summit require permission. The facility provides communications for Fort Ritchie, a sensitive installation, and the folks there have no sense of humor.

At the 1.8 mile point is a lookout with great views, which is also used a launching point for hang gliders.

[Based on varied experience and much correspondence on this county highpoint, permission to visit the summit is considered necessary. Access for future county highpointers in addition to the risk of fines or imprisonment warrant official permission. The search for more information regarding official access is in process. - Editor]