Barry County High Point Trip Report

on Seligman quadrangle

Author: Hans Haustein

Jobe Wymore's trip report was very helpful in doing this county. I have a few things to add.

Driving up to the eastern area, which has the old white house on top, I stopped at a house about 200 feet or so south of the old white house to ask permission. A gentleman was outside splitting wood, and he gave me permission to go up to the old white house on the highpoint. I agree with Jobe that the highest area is by a tree just northeast of the house. I was able to see the other highpoint area from the west side of the house, so I hand leveled. The western area hand leveled higher.

On the way out I stopped at the western area and back sighted toward the house and it hand leveled lower. So from my experience one must only visit the western area in the field to claim Barry County, Missouri.