Franklin County High Point Trip Report

Date: May 14, 2003
Author: Bill Jacobs

From the intersection of H1 and H96 (about 15 miles north of Raleigh) turn left for 3.5 miles. Turn left and at 0.3 mile, the first bend in the road, to the right is area one. My best guess is the highest area is crowned by a standard yard/tool shed. The second area was off to the left side in an open field.

The third area is much larger and more than likely the highest area in the county. Return to H96 and continue in a northwesterly direction. The first road off to the left (west), Tom Linum, is one finger in the area that needs to be explored. Down the road a ways off to the left is a farm home, belonging to an elderly lady (Ms. Mitchell?). With her permission, I roamed around the property. She mentioned surveyors at one time told her the highest point in the area was the intersection of H96 and Tom Linum Road. I did some roaming around there, too.

Continuing up H96 is May Store Road angling off to the west. Park the car down this road and walk into the field to the north. A scramble through the shrubbery between Tom Linum and May Store Road might be in order, too. The owner of the house nearby, with HAM radio towers, is helpful. His home is probably on one of the higher points in the area.