Robeson County Highpoint Trip Report

Date: November 2005
Author: Peter Barr
Annotation in '[ ]': David Olson, November 26 2016

Refer to this image described in the report's final paragraph.

Area #1 [ area 3]: The southernmost contour is located just east of what looks to be a dirt road leading off state road 1310 (McGirt Gin Road). When I visited, I found that this unpaved road on the topo no longer existed. Instead, at this point a sand road intersects the paved road and leads northeast and directly goes over and through the middle the contour area. The high ground was on the right side of the road to the east, only several yards off the sand road. It was a grassy, overgrown, sandy field.

Area #2 [ area 1]: For the next contour, get back on SR1310 and drive east. You will be looking for the diagonal sand track on the topo that intersects the road and heads northwest. However, you want a sand road of this same description about 100 yards before what would appear on the topo. I am not sure if the track listed on the topo exists. If it does, there is another sand road that runs directly parallel to it 100+ yards to the west. When you are driving, it should be the first dirt/sand road you see that hits the highway at a sharp angle back to the northwest. This road runs directly to the west [east] of the westernmost [easternmost closed] contour, and you will see a rise in the field to your left. It's another grassy, scraggily field with a scraggily tree and bushes near the highest point in the middle of the field. Touch all areas around the tree base and bushes. This is maybe 50 yards from your car on the dirt/sand road.

Area #3 [ area 2]: This is my favorite candidate for the highest point. It is again off the same sand/dirt road. Travel down this road further, to the north, about 0.2 mile. You'll see a dirt driveway up to a noticeable hill/rise of a very run- down house with run-down vehicles and ample trash in the yard. The HP is in their front yard, around a tree or an area directly near the driveway in front of the house. No one was home when I visited and I was glad of this.

Area #4 [ area 5]: Continue on this same dirt/sand road, heading north, about another 0.2 mile. The road will make a sharp turn to the left. Stop and park here. The contour that just sticks over the county line from the north will be on the right side of the road after taking the left turn. It is some dirt and gravel road shoulder with a brief bit of clearing before some pine woods. The highest point was pretty close to the side of the road but I had a hard time seeing any real rise in this spot, especially over the visible contour with the house of area #3.

Area #5 [ area 6]: Continue on the dirt road after the left turn. You'll come to a maze of overgrown dirt/sand roads but veer to the right and continue on the most traveled road. At the next right that you come to, take this and drive maybe 75 yards. Park here. The middle of the contour is in a very open pine stand to the right (east) maybe 50 yards from the car. I could not tell any rise here. This is the western contour that juts over the county line from the north.

Area #6 [ area 4]: Backtrack down the road you just turned down and that you made a right on. Here it gets confusing. There are numerous paths that you can drive but it won't look promising. They are obvious tracks but are overgrown with tall grass and at one point I had to get out and remove a branch from across the track. You should find the start of one at the intersection of the main dirt road you have been traveling on since the beginning and the right turn you just made to go to area #5. Drive this. It will be heading south in a twisting manner. You'll drive through an overgrown grassy field surrounded by woods and then drive up a small rise where it will get slightly more wooded. Here you will see an old trailer home with windows broken to your left and you might see another one a bit further south. In the winter, you will be able to look through the trees and see area #1 a ways away. I suggest doing area #6 from this approach because it will be unlikely you will have to deal with permission and access issues from the numerous inhabited trailer homes on the dirt road that runs to the east of this area, one that branches off from the road you took to area #1. Park your car when you come to a rise, and the high area seems to be all around. In small area, though, especially around a few trees that were a bit larger than the rest, you should find high ground. The trailers immediately within sight of this contour did not appear inhabited for a long time. This isn't one of my favorite HP candidates like areas #2 and #3 but you can discern more of a rise than the previous two.

Image description - The GPS track of my car on return from area #6 back to the road, including the road to area #1. The red track represents the sand/dirt roads, which means you can drive wherever the red line is -- and you probably should. From the red line, you can walk to the contour, usually no more than 30 yards. The highest spot of the contour was almost always in the middle of the oval contours from what I found but I did wander all around each of them, as they are small and some are harder to see the rises than others. The order of the areas above are in order of how you should do them, as it will be most efficient and easiest.

[Andy Martin reported September 27, 2010, that Tom Dunigan reports this from LiDAR data:
robeson 05 34.83764,-79.32671, 241.8 manmade? 34.83134,-79.32394, 243.4
The first latitude and longitude that he reports, 241.8 ft., is at area 5. The second latitude and longitude is just north of the junction of McGirt Gin Road and Kalyn Road.]