Union County Highpoint Trip Report

Date: April 2, 2007
Authors: Sue Ann Miller and Frank Price

one area 1,500 feet south of Diamond Hill Church (560+ ft)

Previous reports for this area are still valid although there was a "No Trespassing" sign hanging from a chain gate across the right-of-way path that runs between homes to the water tower. We suspect that inconsiderate visits of suburban youth have prompted increased attempts by adjacent homeowners to discourage visits to water tower behind their homes.

one area 3/4 mile southeast of Hillview School (560+ ft)

We concur with previous speculation that this area was graded down during creation of the sports fields and that it no longer qualifies as a high point. We would suspect that a pitcher's mound was manmade and comparison of the TopoZone map and Google Earth images suggests that it is not located within the contour anyway. The highest contour on topo maps was most likely in the now-graded outfields. Like previous visitors, we walked around the potential high areas but these all appeared to be lower than the grounds around the main school building that are shown lower on the topo and were not within the former highest closed contour.