Broome County High Point Trip Report

Date: June 7, 2001
Author: Bob Packard

Didn't follow Gary Fallesen's book here, but see his map. I parked at the intersection of Hawkins and Walker Roads and bushwhacked NE up to the flat area supposedly containing Slawson BM. Passed the power line on the way. I walked all over kingdom come up there, zigzagging, crisscrossing, walking spirals and circles and the perimeter, but never found the BM. Big disappointment. Top is surrounded by B&B Gun Club Postings.

Found my way to China Rd and parked E of area #2. The lay of the land here is so distinctive you can almost pick the step when you are crossing the county line. Slawson BM area is almost surely the higher of the 2 places.

Trip Statistics: hours, miles, elevation gain in feet = (2, 2.5, 650) for the two areas.