Beckham County Highpoint Trip Report

Date: January 1, 2005
Author: Bob Packard

First I got to the southeast corner of Section 15 which is about 5 miles west of Elk City and a mile north of OK 6. Drove west for 3/4 mile and parked at a gas compressor.

Hiked northeast in the southern contour area with radio tower then to the area north of that one. The southern contour area over laps south into Section 22 but, except for the built up edge of the road, the land there is lower.

Back at the truck I drove to the southwest corner of Section 15, then a mile north, then east 1/4 mile, parked, walked to northwestern area just northeast of two dilapidated buildings and a newer structure.

Drove another 3/10 mile east, parked, visited the 2 northeastern areas, the northern of those having a wind gauge at the top.

Drove to the northeastern corner of Section 15, then 1/2 mile south, then west on the southern of 2 driveways bracketing the final area, leading to a house in which a family New Years Day gathering was in progress. I asked for permission to take the short walk to the hill just northeast of the house. The northern driveway leads to the gas field.