Cleveland County High Point Trip Report

Date: September 2001
Author: John Garner

This is very close to Oklahoma County, so the report will include both with Oklahoma County described first.

Start on I-40 about 15 miles west of downtown Oklahoma City. Exit at Morgan Road, exit #140. Turn left (south) and proceed for 4.6 miles to SR 152. Turn left (east); proceed one mile to marked County Line Road; turn right (south). Continue south for 0.6 mile, and park at a water tank on the left side of the road. The Oklahoma county hp is somewhere behind the tank, at 1,410+ feet.

I also drove up a short driveway just north of the tank, around to a barn a few hundred yards behind the tank. The highest ground is between the barn and the tank. I asked some people in the barn who owned the site, but they were distrusting of me as a stranger, thought my hobby was weird (I've never heard that before), and wouldn't tell me. I bid them good day, and before they could ask me to, I left.

The highpoint of Cleveland County is listed as several area in Andy martin's book, but using a seamless USGS program, you see that one of the areas extends across two quads. To reach the highpoint, continue south on County Line Road from the water tank for about a half mile; turn left (east) at a dead end onto 89th Street. The road immediately crosses a creek and then heads up a short hill. At the top of the hill, watch for a heavily overgrown driveway on the right (south). Pull into this drive and park.

There is a rickety gate, marked 8800. With permission, climb over the gate and walk up the short drive. There is a large, flat area just to the right and beyond from the gate, leading up to an abandoned farm house. The highest ground, 1370+ feet, is somewhere in there. I gridded it to be sure. I talked to a man who lives across the road, who said that the property belonged to a trust, and that the original owners, the Gills, had died some years ago.