Malheur County Highpoint Trip Report

Stevenson BM (8,027 feet)

Dates: August 15-16, 2006
Author: Richard Carey

Note: Waypoints are NAD27 in Zone 11.

My friend Gail Hanna and I decided to approach this mountain from the west. This seemed most efficient since we were coming south from Steens Mountain. We made it through and camped up on the high plateau west of the highpoint which we drove to the next day. This route requires four-wheel drive, high-clearance; but goes OK.

Driving Route (west approach)

On Oregon highway 292, about 8.5 miles south of Fields, turn east onto Whitehorse Ranch Road (203). Drive this wide gravel road for 27.4 miles to the area of the ranch and turn right (south) onto a fair dirt road which is 40 ft. west of a sign describing historic Camp Smith. This road is Mud Springs Road, but is not signed. Note the following mileages on this route with major junctions indicated, avoid minor spurs and stay on the best road.

0.0       At Whitehorse Ranch Road junction.
            Coordinates are (398850 E, 4687830 N).
3.4       Go left at a junction. Road goes around a butte on your right.
5.6       Road comes in on your left, continue straight ahead.
7.9       Junction with road going due south. Go left on road heading SE.
12.2     Pass Buckaroo Corral Reservoir staying left at possible junction.
13.1     Road goes north around Mud Spring (dry in late summer).
14.0     Stay right at triangle junction (rough road with lava rock).
            Hunter's camp in trees along here.
14.5     Go right at junction.
16.6     Road ascends steep, rough hill (4wd needed).
21.1     Stay to the left at possible junction.
24.0     T junction. Reach east-west road that goes across plateau.
            Coordinates here are (418450 E, 4662885 N).
            Turn left here and head east toward the highpoint.
27.1     Reach a gate in a fence line on your right. Park here and
            cross fence and walk east up to final summit with Stevenson BM.
            Highpoint coordinates are (423497 E, 4663544 N).