Fulton County Highpoint Trip Report

Date: September 16, 2006
Author: Don Desrosiers

I needed to get the point north of Wells Tannery to complete this county (see the Franklin County trip report of April 16, 2006).

From the light on I-70 in Breezewood (town motto: "The kind of place that's only allowed in America") take US 30 east for 4.8 miles and turn left onto PA 915 north (North Valley Road). At 6.9 miles, turn right onto Wells Valley Road, left onto Enid Road at 9.0 miles, bear left at the stop sign onto Schenck Road at 9.8 miles, and park at the county line at 12.4 miles.

From there, follow Mike Schwartz's directions on the reasonable dirt road heading more or less along the ridge. At the height of the road, you may want to set a waypoint, since there are not a lot of landmarks in these woods and the dirt road dies off soon after this point. Otherwise, it was about 90 yards of bushwhacking left to the highpoint area. Lots of blueberry bushes and fairly flat, so pick a point. On the way back, I noticed that land was posted against trespassing pretty much where I figured the Bedford/Fulton line should be.