Andy Martin has computed the number of ways all 254 Texas counties can be completed (as 254 factorial) - 13140590921305800461383000485312999772637584563104865500301097585436112937395030474531867208340248291212865890660793264493829608374597066104814480522325766324749346393433958125653725607028102944055895649073546925669455844464559611898118678402279915384891280928014302570181589617808257025252685647489863012884041863014084857184237663384079934731712702738308949431076917947473700246530360714416499720082234418835880264436811011656620579173171200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 To compute this yourself (or almost any other giant-sized factorial) follow Andy's instructions. 1. Install Ruby on your PC 2. Launch irb 3. Define the factorial expression irb> def fact n total = 1 (1..n).each{|i| total = total * i} return total end 4. Run the program - irb> fact 254 ***************************************************** Adam Helman notes this value is FAR more than the number of elementary particles in the known Universe. Hence multiple Texas completions will be required of every county highpointer as there are significantly fewer of them compared to atoms and their constituents.