Bamberg County High Point Trip Report

Date: January 8, 2000
Author: Fred Lobdell

With respect to the first area, I found that in wandering around the eastern side of this area that I thought the two shelter belts of trees might have been the highest parts of this area. They are behind two houses, so I approached them by going through the woods and then going south, where the 290-foot contour "bulges" out.

I would also recommend visiting the western side of this large area, west of the swampy depressed area. To access this area, turn left (west) at the "T" intersection onto the jeep track. Go to an overgrown driveway on the left; this is shown on the map and is 100 yards or so east of where the jeep track turns right (north). Pull into this driveway (passable by a passenger car) and drive to the abandoned house. The house itself, and the ground for 100 feet or so around it, sits 2 or 3 feet above the surrounding terrain. In a flat area like this, this may well be the true HP.

The other two areas are just as described by Ron Tagliapietra, and I have nothing to add to his report.