Georgetown County High Point Trip Report

Date: March 1, 2003
Author: Ron Tagliapietra

I did not complete this county, but learned several important facts. First, the four areas near Ruinsville are on public land, the Sandy Island Wildlife Management Area. However, there is no bridge to the island (contrary to the topo) and don't take a boat during deer or hog hunting season. Second, I drove around the large areas on the Outland quad the small ones labeled 63 and 70 feet are obviously not the hp of 75 feet). Andy Martin suggests that probably none of these are the hp. With many spot elevations of 62, 63, and 64 feet, none of the ridges get even a third of the way toward gaining the 11 feet needed to be the highpoint. These areas can be omitted by future highpointers.

Williams Hill Road runs east from SC 261 to the church at Williams Hill. Jerusalem Road is the next road north on the topo, and runs east from the county line at Jerusalem Church (north of which the paving ends on the county line road). Old Pee Dee Road runs north and south passing Pee Dee Church (this continues north to the hp areas on the Snow Island quad, but becomes dirt just beyond where it curves northeast into Leggett Road). The next road west is Tomahawk Road.

Finally, I drove Fred Road (unpaved and shown on topo) from Jerusalem Road to Old Pee Dee Road. This county will therefore require visiting 8 spots, 4 on a publicly owned island and 4 on an unpaved road.