Calhoun County High Point Trip Report

six areas

Date: January 27, 2003
Author: Bill Jacobs

The six areas of Calhoun County are located south of Bloomington, Texas on H185, not H404 as shown on the topos.

The middle of the largest area is 0.5 mile southeast of the Victoria-Calhoun county line on H185. No particular sector of this area appears higher than any other. There are several side roads off H185 for exploring to the outer edges of the area.

At 0.8 mile the southeast of the county line are two smaller areas to the right, across the railroad tracks. I examined both and found little prominence, making these unlikely candidates for the highest point.

For the other three areas, cross into Victoria County on H185 and take the first left, about 100 yards down the road. Pass over the railroad tracks; take an immediate left, than an immediate right, which brings you to a closed gate next to an underground pipeline. Continue walking down this road turning left at the plastic cow feeder. (On my return, I ran into a line of cattle marching down the road to the feeder. They were undeterred in their dining objective and were reluctant to yield the right of way. I was compelled to take an alternate route through some thick underbrush and mud-laden, cow-pie-infested fields.) After turning left (south) at the cow feeder, the first area will be off to the left in some scrub trees. The second area is straight ahead and slightly off to the right in and beyond a pasture. The third area is off to the west across some fences and a small creek. There was a hunting blind in this field.