Limestone County High Point Trip Report

Date: January 19, 2003
Author: Bill Jacobs

"The highest point between Dallas and Houston", proclaimed the landowner.

From the hamlet of Mt. Calm on H31, bear south on Allyn Avenue (a few 100 yards east of the Star USA gas station) for 0.5 mile. Turn right onto North 1st for 0.4 mile. Thence, south onto Nickles Avenue (HCR3278), which later becomes LCR106. Another 3.5 miles brings you to a crest in the road and off to the right is the county highpoint.

Drive up the rutted road and at the top to the left is the alleged highest area - I was unconvinced. I drove to the house trailer behind the metal buildings and the landowner was cordial enough to give me a tour. He showed me two witness markers and pointed out a third down LCR106 at the second power pole. They all triangulated to a spot near the fence, about 50 feet from the "rutted road". There was no "BM". He said he had lived there since 1987 and had never seen one.

The owner was certain this was the highest point but I held out the possibility that it could have served as a convenient location for surveying. The land around his metal sheds appears to be higher.