San Juan County High Point Trip Report

Mount Peale

Date: October 22, 2003
Author: Ben Knorr

I braved the stream crossing in my bug, which was shallower at this time of year than when I had originally tried in June. The gravel roads were still in excellent condition from outside the town of La Sal all the way up to La Sal pass, which sits right below Mount Peale.

By 3:15 PM, I was on a faint trail that leads in the general direction of the couloir on the west side of Peale. Eventually, it peters out on a small bump, within view of a dirt road to the right. I went up the road for about a hundred feet then started up the boulders and through some trees towards the col. I got pretty high to the East before emerging from some trees and noticing that I'd passed the base of the col, and was already a little way up. It was a relatively simple hike up and up to a point near the ridge, then I climbed straight up the hillside to the ridge itself. I was surprised to see a lot of snow remaining from a previous storm (I didn't think the La Sals had a storm in over a month) in the shadows of Peale in the Dark Canyon area. Near the ridge, I followed a distinct trail through the talus around the sub-peaks all the way to the top of Peale.

I was saddened that I forgot my register in the car, as I didn't find one on this summit.

It was a warm 55+° F still, at about 5:15 p.m., near the end of October, at 12,700 feet.

I was back in the car by 6:30, and in Moab stocking up on beer by around 7:30.