Buena Vista City Highpoint Identity

Date: December 2014
Author: Adam Helman

City boundaries have changed, with the previous highpoint at WGS84 (37.75866° N, 79.33735° W) no longer the highest ground.
The traditional USGS topographic chart does not display this shift.

There are two new candidate highpoints -

  1. Candidate one at WGS84 (37.72856° N, 79.33752° W) is a 1,480+/- foot liner on the south edge of Laurel Park.

  2. Candidate two at WGS84 (37.70636° N, 79.35614° W) is a 1,440+ foot liner 0.25 mile NNW of Little Pinnacle.

Reports numbered 1 through 4 are thus no longer relevant, yet are retained for historical and personal interest.