Harrisonburg City Highpoint Trip Report

two areas (1,767 and 1,760+ ft)

Date: July 31, 2004
Author: Fred Lobdell

I only did the 1,767-foot area and am not counting this one until I go back and do the second area. I agree with previous reports that the 1,767-foot area is in the front yard of 180 Diamond Court. I parked on the street and walked up the driveway. It didn't appear that anybody was up at 7:45 on a Saturday morning, and I certainly didn't want to disturb anyone unnecessarily, so I walked around the front yard (2-3 feet higher than the driveway) for 10-15 seconds and returned to my car.

The private road mentioned in previous reports as giving access to the second area is now fenced and gated at its two intersections with US 33. I didn't feel comfortable climbing the easily surmounted fence in full view of all the cars passing by; with everybody (but me) having cell phones, someone would be sure to call 911 and tell them that they saw a terrorist on his way to attack the nearby power lines. So I decided to save this for another day.