Prince William County Highpoint Trip Report

Date: April 6, 2008
Author: Shannon Dillmore

I do have a bit of news on the Prince William situation. I was denied permission to visit the top of the hill from the north by someone who I think is the same man who granted access to Don Desrosiers and Mike Schwartz. Upon asking permission, he started with "Well, it is a private area..." I said nothing, hoping he'd talk himself into letting me walk up the road. He cited recent vandalism as his reason for denying access.

This experience leads me to one of two painful conclusions: a) they are better looking or more charming than I am or b) I am seen as more capable of vandalism than Don or Mike.

We had time constraints, as we had to get to DC by a certain time on Saturday, so I was unable to explore the possibility of access from the south. I also stupidly neglected to print out Scott Surgent's report, so I was unable to follow these simple directions. Another unfortunate red mark on my completion map.