Boone County High Point Trip Report

Date: August 3, 2000
Author: Fred Lobdell

The spot elevation of 3,555 feet that marks the high point of Boone County lies on the Wyoming county line, a short distance southwest of the tri-county junction with Raleigh County.

From the junction of WV routes 85 and 99, drive east on 99 about 2 miles to the first right turn past the Raleigh County line. This dirt road ascends in about a quarter mile to a large microwave tower and shed. The road is a bit rough but is passable by a passenger car if driven with care. Beyond this point the topographic map shows a jeep road continuing along the ridge crest, but the dirt road continues and should be passable by an ordinary pick-up or sports utility vehicle without difficulty. Because the recent rains had made the sandy road rather soft, I elected to park here and hike the rest of the way to the high point, a distance of another quarter mile or a bit more.

The road drops off the ridge to the right and descends to the saddle between the two knolls, then rises to pass to the right of a collection of towers. The topographic map shows the spot elevation near the northeast end of the summit contour, and I agree that this does indeed mark the highest area. The high point is at the foot of the first telephone pole in this area, by one of the guy wires. The road was neither gated nor posted.