Natrona County Highpoint Trip Report

Mine TP

Date: May 26, 2009
Author: Edward Earl

From Casper, I headed W on US-20/26 for 50 miles to Waltman. At MP 50.69, I turned N on Buffalo Crk Rd (AKA CR-104), which is paved. Call this point mile 0.0. At mile 8.4, I passed the somewhat dilapidated settlement of Arminto. At mile 9.6, the pavement ends and an information station on the R indicates entry into BLM land. The road becomes CR-105 and is smooth, well-graded gravel OK for any street legal vehicle. At mile 22.6, I turned L onto Bighorn Mtn Rd (AKA CR-109). The road was muddy in places and I had a few slips on steep uphill. Finally, at mile 25.9, I reached a very muddy point I dared not try to cross, or I would probably have gotten stuck. I parked here and continued on foot.

I knew it would be a long hike, as I was still 6 miles from the point where I had originally planned to park and walk. But I decided it would be easier than a return trip, so I did it. About 4 and 5 miles into my hike, I crossed the well-signed South and Middle Forks, respectively, of Buffalo Creek. After one more mile of steady uphill I reached the saddle I had originally planned to drive to. This point is near the center of section 12, at NAD83 coordinates (43.4525° N, 107.2286° W). I turned L on the spur road headed SW, went through a gate, and continued until the road began to fade in a high sloping meadow on the S side of the HP. The HP itself was a rocky outcrop with perhaps 50' gain on snow and class 2 boulders. I located the BM as well as a PVC pipe register.