Northeastern United States 2,000+ Foot Prominence Completion Maps


This page is an index to cell-based completion maps for the 2,000+ foot prominences of the northeastern United States. There are 57 peaks on the resulting map with a mean ("interpolated") prominence of at least 2,000 feet.

Three of the 57 summits lie in the "error range" wherein their clean prominence falls short of 2,000 feet - Boundary Bald (ME), Gore (VT), and Hurricane (NY).

The baseline completion map portrays prominence cells for these summits.
The following individuals contributed to its formation -

Detailed information for these 2,000+ foot prominences is available at There one finds the clean, mean, and optimistic prominences for the 54 peaks with at least 2,000 foot of clean prominence.

Coloring and Interpreting a Completion Map

The same colors and similar rules for their use apply as for painting a county highpoints completion map.

Personalized color schemes are acceptable provided that a legend explains the meaning of each color.

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Completion Map Index         (arranged alphabetically by last name)

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