Jay Dolan County Highpoint Records County Highpoint Records
Jay Dolan County Highpoint Records

A to G    H to O    P to Z     personal records (by last name) Jay Dolan Completion Map

Main Records -

      Century Club   256   
      High Five - alternative version   81   
      Counties in a Glob   144   
      States in a Glob   9   
      Home Glob Radius   277 miles   (San Diego-CA to Fresno-CA)
      Home Glob Far Point   1134 miles   (San Diego-CA to Okanogan-WA)
      Floating Glob Radius   185 miles   (Yavapai-AZ to {Lincoln-NV, Mexico, Catron-NM})
      Glob Span   1670 miles   (Brewster-TX to Okanogan-WA)
      Glob Area   537005 square miles   
      Total Area   650727 square miles   

      CONUS link count   16 counties   (Walton-FL to Monroe-FL)
      CONUS unclimbed span   495 miles   (Walton-FL to Monroe-FL)
      CONUS unclimbed radius   290 miles   (Young-TX to {Mexico, Logan-AR, Cimarron-OK})

      Detailed Glob Statistics     small print version      (Calculations will require several seconds....)

State-Based Records -

      State Completions   1   AZ

      Detailed State Statistics

Effort-Based Records -

      APEX highpoints   1   
      5,000+ foot gain highpoints   6   
      Triple Crown highpoints   1   

Prominence-Based Records -

      5,000+ foot prominence highpoints   32   
      2,000+ foot prominence highpoints   127   

Regional Records -

     Western County Highpoints:
      All   171    Contiguous 48 States   169   
     Northeastern County Highpoints:
      All   31    New England   13   
                     Mid-Atlantic   17   
      Southern County Highpoints   37   
      Midwestern County Highpoints   17   

      Pacific Coast counties   20   
      Atlantic Coast counties   8   
      Gulf Coast counties   1   
      Great Lakes shoreline counties   3   
      Canadian Border counties   6   
      Mexican Border counties   8   

Additional Regional Records -

      Fifty Highest county highpoints   15   
      Fifty Highest county highpoints in the Contiguous 48 States   17   
      Fifty Highest Eastern county highpoints   15   
      Continental Divide counties   9    Island counties   11   
      Appalachian Trail counties   27   
      Pacific Crest Trail counties   26   
      50 Largest counties in the Contiguous 48 States   31   
      Geographic Extreme counties in the Contiguous 48 States   0   

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